Monday, January 20, 2014

3rd marking period

 for this assignment I opened up sketch up and I drew a triangle with the pencil tool then I made a square using the the brown square tool, then I made a circle using the brown circle tool. After that I saved my assignment as jpeg.
 in order to do this assignment I opened up sketch up then i made triangle, a circle, and a square following the steps in the first assignment. then i used the push and pull tool to make it 3d.
 To do this assignment i opened up sketch up then i used the line tool to make my name for the g i used the brown circle tool and same for the dot on the i after doing so i used the push and pull tool to make it 3d. finally i saved it as jpeg.
 to make this i opened up sketch up then i made a rectangle using the brown rectangle tool. then i drew 3 line to make a small inner rectangle. Then I made another rectangle for the bottom then i made a small inner rectangle by drawing 3 lines then I used the push and pull tool to make it 3d, pulling the big rectangle and pushing the small rectangle. then i went to view,iso  and saved it as jpeg.
 for this assignment i made a big square and pulled it then i drew 2 lines to make a small rectangle on the left and right side and pushed both of it after that i made a small rectangle on the bottom and pushed it. then saved it as jpeg.
 for this assignment i opened up sketch up then i made a rectangle and pulled it then made a small inner square and pushed that then i made a long inner rectangle and pushed that as well. then went to view, iso and after saved it as jpeg.
 first I opened up sketch up then i made a rectangle and pulled it out to make it 3d then made a small square and pushed it in then i made a long rectangle and pushed it s well. then i went to view, iso and saved it as jpeg.
 for this assignment i opened up sketch up then made a rectangle and pulled it to make it 3d then i made a big rectangle inside half the side of the bigger rectangle and pushed that all the way, then i made a another rectangle and pushed it half the way. then went to view, iso and saved it as a jpeg.
 for this assignment i made a square and pulled it then i made a rectangle and pushed that a little then i made a square and pushed that as well. then i went to view, iso and saved it as jpeg.
 for this assignment i made a rectangle then pulled it then i made two small rectangle on the sides then pushed those all the way then i pushed the middle rectangle half the way. then i went to view, iso and saved it as jpeg.
 for this assignment i made a rectangle then i pulled it tun i made a small rectangle and pushed that all the way then i made a small rectangle and pushed it half the way then i made a small rectangle next to it and pushed that all the way. after that i went to view, iso and saved it as jpeg.
 for this assignment i made a rectangle and pulled it then i drew a line using the line tool then pushed it all the way.then i went to view, iso and saved it as a jpeg.
 for this assignment i made a rectangle then i pulled it then i drew a line that matches the shape shown on the hard copy. then i pushed that all the way then i went to view, iso and save that as a jpeg.
 for this assignment i made a rectangle then i pulled it then i made a inner rectangle and pushed that a bit then i made a line using the line tool then pushed it then painted the side that are corresponding with the same colors. then i wen tot view, iso and saved it as a jpeg.
 for this assignment i made a rectangle and pulled it then i made a line using the line tool and pushed it in then i made a small line and pushed it all the way. then i pained the corresponding sides with the same color and then went to view, iso and saved it as a jpeg.
 for this assignment i made a rectangle then i puled it out. then i made a line using the line tool and pushed that all the way in.and then i made a rectangle and pushed that half way and then went to view, iso then i saved it as jpeg.
 first i made opened up sketch up then pulled it then made a small square in the bottom center and pulled it out a bit then i made a roof top on both of the squares by drawing a line using the line tool. then made a door by making a square then made an arc then i pulled it out then i made a circle as a door nob using the circle tool. then i made frosting's by freehand then i pulled it out then made the roof tops white after doing so i mad e candies with the circle tool and then pulled it out i made different ones and made some yellow candies as well. then i went to view, iso and then saved it as jpeg.
 to do this assignment i opened up Photoshop then i put a snowy background from Google then i followed the steps in after that i saved it as jpeg.
 in order to make the power button i followed the steps in instead of writing glowing button i wrote tenzing's power button. then i saved it as gif.

GIF stands for graphics interchange format. It is the format of pictures, usually moving picture. animation works by showing images with minor differences in a steady progression and that tricks the eye into thinking that the image is actually moving. in live action it is done by 29 frames per second and in animation it is done by 24 frames per second.
in order to make this i followed the simple instructions on  and i used and iPhone 5s and wrote tenzings iPhone showcase using the text tool. then i saved it as jpeg.

To make this brochure i wrote a little about my self then i wrote about how i get to school then i wrote a little about the classes i have during the day.
the first software i learned was publisher with this i was able to make a name card and brochure. the second soft ware i learned was powerpoint where i was able to edit pictures and images. The third software i learned was adobe illustrator and with that i made a flash drive and a phone. the fourth software was google sketch up where i was able to make shapes and turn them into 3d. the last software i learned was GIF where i was able to make my power button move up and down. with these things i think i will use goole sketch up since i want to be a architecture so i will use it to design house and stuff. 

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